Do you need to lay a new lawn and are wondering which one to choose?

You need to consider:
The top choice
The Perfect All-Rounder. Australia’s number 1 selling Buffalo grass. Genetically pure Sir Walter.
The number one choice for the majority of Sydney yards is Buffalo Turf. It looks dark in colour, it is soft and very water efficient. Buffalo tolerates up to 70% shaded areas and is generally low in maintenance.
The new generations of buffalo are bred with soft leaf blades making them softer on your feet. They are less invasive to your garden beds compared to Couch or Kikuyu grasses. With a thick growing habit it tends to out compete weeds which look for the gaps to grow.
Features of Sir Walter
Genetic Assured Purity - look for the DNA or AusGap certified variety so that you don't end up with a substandard imposter lawn variety 'Sir Walter'. These cheap substitutes have a short life span and none of the attributes of a certified grass.
Australian Bred Grass
Recommended for Children
Extremely Weed Resistant
Australia's Most Popular Buffalo
Good Salt Tolerance
Disease and Fungus Resistant
Minimal Mowing and Fertilising
Environmentally Friendly
Proven Shade and Drought Tolerance
So if you would like a new lawn laid or you would like your lawn maintained, contact the team at Dolphin Property Maintenance.